Create Your Free Online Video In Onetruemedia

 This is about my experience few days ago. I am so excited about making a new video for my friends. At first, I planned to use Windows Movie Maker to make this video. But I don’t know I change my plan. I think about how “world wide web” prepared us a bunch of free link address to be used if we don’t have many of course.

Using Windows Movie Maker is general way to create free movie because its already installed when you use Windows XP as your main operating systems. For Windows 7, I don’t know much about this version because Windows Movie Maker is not available.  After looking for this stuff about 30 minutes in my precious Windows 7, I finally gave up. That’s the time when I decided to test if website own something I need. And “Woala” its already there.
Our library right now open to Onetruemedia. This is a free link to them who love to make free video. The contents is very rich. Your video would be like a video from professional editor.
To make a video in Onetruemedia, few steps you should follow. Those steps are:
1.    Link your address to Onetrumedia.
2.    Found “Get started” at front page and then click it.
Create Your Free Online Video In Onetruemedia
Onetruemedia : Get Started Page
 3.   You will find Sign Up page for new comers. Just fill it. There is only few column to be filled. Don’t worry. It is just like you knock your neighbor house then they asks you “who is that?” and then you should put your name first. Click join Now
Create Your Free Online Video In Onetruemedia
Onetruemedia : Signup Page
 4.     New page will appear,  this is your time to show your skill make a video. There are 2 places you can find Create a new video inside the page that are in left side and bottom side.
Create Your Free Online Video In Onetruemedia
Onetruemedia : Create New Video Page
5.    Next page is upload phase. You should upload picture or video you want to be included in your video. The type of pictures and videos supported by this page also informed. You can choose the place of your files stored, is it from your computer, Facebook, Flickr, Image URL or from your Onetruemedia account.
Create Your Free Online Video In Onetruemedia
Onetrumedia : Upload Files Page
 6. Just be patient while your files uploaded by Onetruemedia. The more video you upload then your coffee time will be much longer. There would be notification after your files successfully uploaded. Just click done if you finished uploading or click upload more if you need more files in your video.
7.   This is your page to take action. You can edit the sequence of your video or your picture. You can choose your own music (of course they provide a lot of type of music you can choose). You can add your precious text also. But the most important things is the style of video you can choose. Just choose your own style and applied it on your video. You can change the setting of your video to high quality video.
Create Your Free Online Video In Onetruemedia
Onetruemedia : Create Your Video
8.  Just put your “God given talent” in your video. And after you feel already awesome. Download it or you can share it online so the world can see your precious work. You can share in your blogspot, youtube, facebook,  or twitter. You can choose you player style.
9.    Its already finish.
(Let me know if you have problem or comments)